Membership Benefits

Join the oldest regional AACRAO group. 

MSACROA, founded in 1930, is the oldest of the regional groups of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

MSACROA encourages and expands the professional education development of our membership through the promotion and exchange of ideas and issues pertaining to higher education in the areas of admissions, financial planning, institutional research, records and registration, and student services.

The Association serves New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. We are an active, vibrant association and our membership grows every year – come be a part of it!

Voting rights

On business of the

Discounted rate

To our annual

Join the Executive

Members may serve on
committees or serve
as officers

Stay in touch

Association email,
Facebook, and Twitter
information as well as
updates on important
happenings in
higher education

The 2025 MSACROA Membership Drive is now OPEN!

2024 Members, check your email for a renewal notice and invoice!

New or returning to MSACROA? Click HERE to join!